
(Post Abortive Ladies)

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PALS (Post Abortive Ladies)


Out of the Darkness…. Into the Light

Healing after Abortion

A post-abortive panel shares their journey of hurt, pain, and grief to healing and hope

The PALS (Post Abortive Ladies) are a diverse group of women who would never have likely connected with one another…. except for something we all share.  Each one of us has walked through the doors of an abortion facility at some point and ended the life of our unborn child.

The act of abortion that we thought was going to solve a ‘problem’ or save a relationship or preserve a career, started us down a long path of self-destructive behavior, emotional distress and spiritual confusion.  While each of us has our own story, we chose to weave our stories together to share with others a side of abortion that is rarely heard in public. 

Our desire is to share the truth in love in hopes that those who hear will be better equipped to reach out to others who are struggling with a current choice or a past decision concerning the issue of life.  We don’t want to condemn anyone, criminalize anyone, or even debate anyone.  We merely want to share our stories and personal encounters with loss and redemption.  Stories that few are willing to openly share; yet stories that need to be heard. 

The panel speaks publicly to share the message of hope to those hurting from abortion as well as to educate and mobilize the church and the public concerning the negative affects of abortion on individuals and society.  We have chosen not to be silent anymore believing that once the church becomes informed, healed and mobilized that abortion will be over. It is our hope that you will join us in this endeavor.

What Others are Saying about the PALS:

“I was so inspired by the courage and transparency of each panelist.  I was brought to tears to hear of the consequences these women have suffered as a result of their choice to terminate their pregnancy.  I had no idea of the depth of or duration of the pain endured.  Hearing this panel was by far the most compelling reason to NOT choose abortion.  If every woman could spend an hour with these women, abortion would cease.  I truly believe this.” 
Nurse Practitioner Specialist, Fargo, ND

God touched my heart through the Post Abortive Panel in indescribable ways.  I have rarely seen such courage and humility anywhere in “the Church” in recent times.  Listening to these women talk about the horrors of their sin, the many and varied deceptions of the enemy that led them to the abortion facility, and then the beauty and the love of our blessed Savior and His grace and forgiveness---every person needs to hear this.  I would say that the Pals presentation was one of the most impacting presentations about abortion that I have ever seen or heard.  Evangelical Pastor, Bismarck, ND

Hearing the PALS was a real eye-opener.  These women shared real-life stories that expose the pain and grief that come with the evil of abortion. Through listening to the stories of these women I learned that the tragedy of abortion can strike anyone; even those who grew up in good Christian homes.  These women shared their stories with courage and fortitude as they spoke of their guilt, shame, and loss and then the redemptive healing power they received through the forgiveness and grace of God.  Every community should hear the PALS.  
Catholic Priest, Park River, ND

How to Contact us:    The panel has done presentations in North Dakota and Minnesota and to various audiences. We have been humbled to bring our message to approximately 10,000 people.   This group was formed by invitation of 40 Days for Life North Dakota.   We continue to serve under the prayer covering of 40 Days for Life ND.  If you are interested in bringing the panel to your area please contact Jody Clemens at 701-367-7362 or email Jody at jodyclem@hotmail.com